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Configuring Apache Web Server Using Ansible...

In this article, I am going to show you how to configure the HTTPD ( Apache webserver)

how to change the document root of HTTPD .. and Restarting HTTPD Service is not idempotence in nature so how to solve this challenge with the help of Ansible playbook.

Here is my ansible-playbook...

- hosts:
            Port_No: "8080"
            dvd_dir: "/dvd1"
            doc_root: "/var/www/first"
  - name: "Create mount point dir for cdrom"
            state: directory
            path: "{{ dvd_dir }}"
  - name:
            src: "/dev/cdrom"
            path: "{{dvd_dir}}"
            state: mounted
            fstype: "iso9660"
  - name: AppStream Repo
            name: AppStream
            description: AppStream Repo
            baseurl: "{{ dvd_dir }}/AppStream"
            gpgcheck: no
  - name:  BaseOS Repo
            name: "BaseOS"
            description: "BaseOS Repo"
            baseurl: "{{ dvd_dir }}/BaseOS"
            gpgcheck: no
  - name: Installing httpd
    package :
            name: httpd
            state: present
  - name: "Copying contents"
            content: "TASK 11.3 SUCCESSFULY COMPLETED"
            dest: "{{ doc_root }}/index.html"
  - name: "Copying Configuration File"
            src: "/root/ansible/new.conf"
            dest: "/etc/httpd/conf.d/new.conf"
  - name: "Service Started"
    service :
            name: httpd
            state: restarted

  - name: "Firewall"
            port: "{{ Port_No }}/tcp"
            state: enabled
            permanent: yes
            immediate: yes
  - name: "New Document Root Directory"
            state: directory
            path: "{{ doc_root }}"

Here is my configuration file (new.conf)


Target Node:-

  • configuration file changed

  • document root changed

  • working on port no 8080

  • web file copied (index.html)

Here you can see that the apache web server is configured successfully. But the problem is, I want that the service will be restarted only if there is some change/update in the configuration of that service, if the configuration is not changed then I don't want to restart the service. So to solve this issue I am going to use handlers

What are Handlers?

Handlers are the same as the other tasks in the playbook. It will run only if the task is notified...

Now I am going to run the playbook

Now here You can see that it is now showing an idempotence nature

Now let's check it once through the browser ...

It's working

So here my task is completed...

Thank you so much for visiting my article 🙌🙌

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